RichText – Reverse disable line breaks in order to determine the aria-multiline state.
Removing role attributes from SVGs intended for “decoration”
This is how WordPress explained changes in media handling in 6.0 for accessibility.
“Preserve attachment property when cropping custom logo. This means that after cutting, the cropped image will have the alternate text, title, description, caption, and caption.
If URL is focused, stop the arrow keys from switching media.
To the list table view, add a “Copy URL from clipboard” function.
Break-word set on sample URL so the entire URL will be visible on mobile devices when you post, comment, or use media.
Media uploader edit links: Remove target blank attribute
To clarify the association’s purpose, remove target=”_blank” from the link and modify the link text.
According to the official WordPress announcement:
“Accessibility is an integral part of WordPress’ mission to foster an inclusive community and support users of all kinds around the globe.
WordPress 6.0 contains more than 50 updates that are specifically designed to improve accessibility. These updates are available to read and learn about ongoing accessibility initiatives.